Northern Canada Awards Program
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Northern Canada Awards Program

Northern communities face significant barriers in access to animal health and veterinary care.

With Veterinarians Without Borders goal to increase knowledge of animal care and science in northern communities we are launching our awards program to support northern residents in pursuing animal- and one-health related studies.

The Northern Animal Health Initiative aims to create sustainable and community-driven access to animal care in remote communities that have limited access to resources. By supporting residents to pursue animal related learning opportunities, we hope increase the knowledge in these communities, enabling further access to care.

The program is made up of the following components:

The program is accessible to people living in northern Canada, with priority given to Indigenous candidates.

Online career fair

To grow knowledge for the opportunities around animal care education and growing access for individuals in the territories, Veterinarians Without Borders will offer career fair sessions upon request for any high school classes in the territories. We will bring together a panel of different animal-related and one-health professionals  to share their school and career journeys, and answer student questions.

Sessions will be provided through zoom and can be requested by a school representative. Email with your request and please include with preferred types of careers to be represented.


Previous recipients



We will provide a $10,000 for a northern veterinary student, with priority given to Indigenous candidates.

Closed for applications.


Our bursaries will provide northern residents $5,000 to put towards animal- or one-health related diplomas or certificates with the expectation that skills benefit northern communities. Five bursaries are available annually.

Closed for applications.

Included but not limited to:

  • Veterinary Technologist
  • Veterinary Assistant
  • Animal behaviour
  • Pre-veterinary science
  • Wildlife biology
  • Animal care services
  • Dog training

Pet First Aid Training

Online pet first aid training with an accompanying first aid kit will be available for applicants living in current Veterinarians Without Borders partnership communities of the Northern Animal Health Initiative. Ten registrations are available annually.

Closed for applications.

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Avian Influenza Overview: What You Need to Know and Where to Learn More

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Ask an Expert:

Ask an Expert: "How can we work with northern communities to strengthen access to animal health care?" with Dr. Trace MacKay

Holding over 21 years of veterinary experience, Dr. MacKay has volunteered her time with VWB since the formation of VWB Canada in the early 2000s.

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  • My voluntary assignments in Ghana for the past three years have dramatically improved animal production in terms of reducing mortality and increasing the size of the herd/flock.
    - Joseph Ansong-Danquah

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