Northern Canada Awards - Pet First Aid Training - Blog
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Northern Canada Awards - Pet First Aid Training

For remote communities where the nearest veterinary clinic is a several hours flight away, pet first aid training can help triage injuries and assist in identifying illness, ensuring animals get the care they need in a timely manner.

This award supports residents in Veterinarians Without Borders Northern Animal Health Initiative partner communities learn key skills that enhance the capacity on the ground.

Recipients will receive access to an online pet first aid course and a pet first aid kit. The course is self-paced and you will receive a certificate upon completion.

Eligibility requirements

  • Applicant is a resident of a Veterinarians Without Borders Northern Animal Health Initiative partnership community. 
  • Applicant intends to utilize knowledge for increasing animal health access in community
  • Applicant must be at least 13 years of age (parental/guardian consent required for applicants 16 and younger). 
  • Applicant has an email address and consistent access to internet.
  • Successful recipients are asked to support the annual veterinary clinic, share photo/story of animal helped or experience doing first aid course, and to stay connected with VWB for ongoing support for access to care in their community. 

Priority will be given to Indigenous applicants.  

Continued support

Demonstrated use of first aid skills qualifies successful applicants for first aid kit refills on an annual basis.  


The second round of applications closed on August 15, 2023. Stay tuned for our announcement of the recipients.

Selection Process

Successful applications will be selected based on the quality of the application and number of applications received.



*VWB Partner communities in 2023: Kimmirut, Qikiqtarjuaq, Igloolik, Fort McPherson, Tuktoyaktuk, Kugluktuk, Lutselk'e, Acho Dene Koe (Fort Liard), Pehdzeh Ki (Wrigley), Uqsuqtuuq (Gjoa Haven) and Taloyoak.

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  • I loved being placed in Ghana and believe I made a significant impact to the communities.
    - Madison Russel

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