Rebuilding Animal Shelters in Ukraine: A Lifeline for Hope in the Cold Winter Months | Ukraine
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Rebuilding Animal Shelters in Ukraine: A Lifeline for Hope in the Cold Winter Months

Posted Nov 2nd, 2023 in Stories, Featured, News

In a world often overshadowed by turmoil and uncertainty, it's crucial to celebrate something truly extraordinary: the unwavering compassion and kindness of people who have transformed the lives of animals in need, becoming beacons of hope during these challenging times.

Amidst the headlines filled with despair, one such story of resilience and compassion stands out — a rebuilt cat shelter in the heart of war-torn Ukraine. Thanks to Veterinarians Without Borders North America/Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Amérique du Nord's (VWB/VSF) incredible supporters, the Kofotei Cat Shelter in Nikopol, Ukraine, has emerged as a haven of healing for cats who've already endured so much. This area has experienced significant bombing and destruction due to the war, and this shelter is currently a respite for 132 cats. The kindness and generosity of people like you have not only helped to rebuild shelters; they've have also rekindled hope and revitalized hope for these innocent animals. 

Check out the before and after images of the Kofotei Cat Shelter, located in Nikopol, Ukraine:

Image of before and after for Kofotei Ukraine cat shelter

This is an incredible example of global communities coming together to support animals and animal health professionals in need.

However, as the winter months set in, Ukraine faces a unique challenge that calls for increased attention and support. The harsh cold weather, coupled with a lack of access to essential infrastructure such as power and heat, poses a significant threat to the animals in shelters like Kofotei. As temperatures plummet, these shelters become sanctuaries, not just from neglect and abuse but also from the biting cold that could prove fatal. They also provide a safe space for emergency veterinary care, spay/neuter surgeries, and vaccinations to take place. According to a recent report by VWB/VSF, Ukraine is facing an animal crisis of unprecedented proportions.

The statistics are startling:

  • Over 70% of animal shelters in Ukraine lack proper heating and insulation, leaving animals vulnerable to the bitter cold.
  • The severe winter weather has led to a dramatic increase in cases of frostbite and hypothermia among shelter animals.
  • In the past year, the number of abandoned animals in Ukraine has surged by 35%, a direct consequence of the challenging economic conditions and political instability.

Cat at a shelter in ukraine

A cat at a shelter that's part of the Ukrainian pet food program.

Your presence in our mission is nothing short of indispensable, especially as the chill of winter takes hold. While the world's attention may shift elsewhere, we rely on your unwavering compassion to ensure that these animals are never, ever forgotten. Every gesture of kindness, every contribution, provides nourishment, vital veterinary care, and essential improvements to their shelter, especially during these harsh winter months. With your gift today, we can reach even more animals in need and extend the circle of compassion further.

"It's important to understand that the unparalleled generosity of donors is really the only reason that we can provide love and care to animals that deserve it most, even in a world and nation facing countless challenges," said Daria Kuznetsova, Ukraine Program Manager at VWB/VSF. "The animals at Kofotei, and shelters like it, are surviving because of your support, and hopefully, will find their forever homes. These donations are not merely financial contributions; they are lifelines for animals, offering them warmth and shelter when options are extremely limited," Daria added.

Ukraine cat shelter

Cats in a temporary cat enclosure with Happy Paw.

Investing in the health and well-being of animals in Ukraine isn't just an act of compassion for our four-legged friends; it also holds the key to improving human health in the region. The close connection between animal and human health, often referred to "One Health", is more relevant than ever in Ukraine. By ensuring that shelter animals receive proper care and medical attention, we can reduce the risk of zoonotic diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. This not only safeguards the animals but also contributes to healthier communities by preventing the spread of diseases and reducing the burden on healthcare systems. 

Kitten at a shelter in UkraineA kitten being held by an animal health worker in Ukraine.

As winter arrives and temperatures, once again, begin to drop and snow falls, your kindness can make all the difference. Consider this a call to action – a call to invest in rebuilding animal shelters in Ukraine, particularly as the winter months set in. Your support can mean the world for these animals and those caring for them.

This holiday, you can give the gift of joy across Ukraine by purchasing a veterinary kit that will directly support animals and communities in need across Ukraine. Learn how.

Joy in every kit banner ukraine

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  • I loved being placed in Ghana and believe I made a significant impact to the communities.
    - Madison Russel

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