Donor-Advised Funds | Veterinarians Without Borders
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Donor-Advised Funds

A man in a rice hat leans over to pick rice at sunset.

Donor-Advised Funds: A Flexible Way to Support Veterinarians Without Borders USA

Give now through your Donor-Advised Fund

If you have a DAF set up, please use the button below to give now:

What is a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)?

A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a charitable giving vehicle that allows donors to make a charitable contributions, receive an immediate tax benefit, and then recommend grants from the fund over time. It's a simple and effective way to manage your philanthropy.

Benefits of using a DAF

1. Immediate tax benefits: Contributions to a DAF are tax-deductible in the year they are made.

2. Convenience and flexibility: DAFs simplify charitable giving by consolidating all your giving into one account and allowing you to recommend grants over time.

3. Strategic philanthropy: You can support Veterinarians Without Borders USA with a well-planned approach, aligning your giving with your charitable goals.

How to give through a DAF

1. Create your DAF: If you do not already have a DAF, you can establish one with a sponsoring organization such as a financial institution or community foundation.

2. Contribute to your DAF: Make an irrevocable, tax-deductible donation to your DAF. Contributions can be made with cash, stocks, or other assets.

3. Recommend a grant: Once your DAF is funded, you can recommend grants to Veterinarians Without Borders USA. Provide the following information to your DAF sponsor:

  • Charity Name: Veterinarians Without Borders USA
  • Address: #1036, 1283 Arsenal St #16, Watertown, NY 13601 USA
  • EIN: 92-2618654 4.

Notify us: Inform us about your grant recommendation so we can acknowledge your generosity and ensure the funds are directed to your preferred programs.

Why support us through a DAF?

Supporting Veterinarians Without Borders USA through your DAF allows us to:

• Improve animal health and welfare in underserved communities.

• Enhance sustainable livelihoods by supporting livestock health and productivity. Provide education and training to local veterinary professionals. Your support through a DAF helps us deliver essential services and create lasting change in the communities we serve.

What Are The IRS Guidelines Around Donor-Advised Funds?

The donor will not receive an income tax charitable deduction when a grant is made to Veterinarians Without Borders USA from a donor-advised fund since the tax benefit was already received when donating to the DAF.

A grant from a DAF cannot be used to fulfill a legally enforceable pledge or result in the donor or any related party receiving more than an incidental benefit. Raffle tickets, tickets to special events, auction items, and benefits conferred in connection with the DAF grant are not permitted. This includes partial payment of a table, ticket, or sponsorship of Veterinarians Without Borders USA’s special events.

A donor may still support an organization through a DAF gift if the donor declines all benefits that would have otherwise been provided as a result of the gift.

A donor’s receipt of a benefit that is more than incidental may result in challenges for the entity maintaining the DAF (e.g., loss of tax-exempt status) and/or the donor and/or family member (e.g., significant excise taxes). It could also put the charitable organization to which the gift was given at risk of losing future funding from the DAF. For more information about IRS guidelines, please see the IRS Donor-Advised Funds Guide Sheet Explanation. To inquire about your personal legal or tax situation, please consult your own professional advisor.

Thank you for considering a gift to Veterinarians Without Borders USA through your Donor-Advised Fund. Your generosity enables us to continue our vital work around the world.

Contact us

If you have any questions or need assistance with your DAF donation, please contact us at:


Veterinarians Without Borders U.S.A. (VWB) values our donor relationships and protect your privacy. We adhere to the standards published in GuideStar Ethical Code Program, which lays out a set of principles for charitable organizations, and assures that they manage and report their financial affairs responsibly. The information you provide us with will only be used as described in our privacy policy.

Veterinarians Without Borders U.S.A. is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN/tax ID number: 92-2618654).

Our U.S. head office is located at: 

1283 Arsenal St #16
Watertown, NY 13601 U.S. 

View Our Financial Statements

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  • The most rewarding part of my placements was helping others and seeing the many lives that are impacted along the way.
    - Nikki Sheedy

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