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Animals of Ukraine Sticker

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Ukraine Sticker

The need is urgent – by the day and now, by the hour. More than 100,000 dogs, cats and other pets are in urgent need of food, water, medicine, and veterinary help.

We have partnerships with the three animal humanitarian agencies that can get the basics to where they are needed the most, including 700 Ukraine animal shelters and 1,200 drop-off points for food delivery where animals are sheltering with their human companions.

Your generous donation will help save animals in crisis and will provide the necessary relief for their carers who are desperately trying to source food, water, and medicine while under fire and under the threat of death.

Your donation is deeply valued. Thank you for providing them with some help and with some hope.

*Sign up to become a monthly donor today and CanadaHelps will donate an additional $20 in your honour. You can cancel any time. Sign up for $20 a month or more, and $40 will go to work saving lives right now.

Dogs in Ukraine shelter looking out of their kennel

Stories From Around The World

Avian Influenza Overview: What You Need to Know and Where to Learn More

Avian Influenza Overview: What You Need to Know and Where to Learn More

In this article, wildlife health specialist and VWB/VSF Board Member, Jolene Giancinti (BHSc, DVM, PhD) answers common questions and reviews best practices around Avian Influenza Viruses (AIVs). The goal is to provide you with a technical overview and spark your interest in learning more.

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Ask an Expert:

Ask an Expert: "How can we work with northern communities to strengthen access to animal health care?" with Dr. Trace MacKay

Holding over 21 years of veterinary experience, Dr. MacKay has volunteered her time with VWB since the formation of VWB Canada in the early 2000s.

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VETS Volunteer Voices: Building Capacity for a Better Tomorrow

VETS Volunteer Voices: Building Capacity for a Better Tomorrow

#VETSVolunteerVoices aims to bring you the stories of our passionate VETS program volunteers from the field. This blog (part 3 of 3) was contributed by Izabela Wlodarczyk, a Communications Volunteer with our VETS program in Laos (Feb-June 2024).

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  • The most rewarding part of my placements was helping others and seeing the many lives that are impacted along the way.
    - Nikki Sheedy

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