Northern Animal Health Initiative | Veterinarians Without Borders
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dog at northern clinic

Improve health. Save lives.

Many communities in Canada’s far north have little or no access to veterinary services. Animals in these northern regions tend to live shorter lives, dying from diseases and causes that are either treatable or preventable. This can put communities at risk as unvaccinated dogs can transfer diseases – including rabies – to people.

You have the power to make a profound difference in the lives of animals in northern Canada. With the generous support of people like you, Veterinarians Without Borders North America (VWB/VSF), in partnership with local communities across Nunavut and the Northwest Territories, can provide essential veterinary care through the Northern Animal Health Initiative.

Whether it’s vaccinating dogs to prevent disease, performing spay/neuter procedures, training members of the community to give vaccinations or charting a flight to a remote community for a volunteer veterinarian, you’ll have a real, life-saving impact that addresses the needs of a community, creates sustainable veterinary care and promotes safe, positive human-animal interactions.

Give now to have a real, life-saving impact for animals and communities in the northern regions of Canada by providing them with the vital veterinary care they need to stay healthy.


Veterinarians without Borders values our donor relationships. We adhere to the standards published by Imagine Canada's Ethical Code Program, which lays out a set of principles for charitable organizations, and assures that they manage and report their financial affairs responsibly.

Canadian Charitable Registration Number: 84146 9547 RR0001

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Stories From Around The World

Avian Influenza Overview: What You Need to Know and Where to Learn More

Avian Influenza Overview: What You Need to Know and Where to Learn More

In this article, wildlife health specialist and VWB/VSF Board Member, Jolene Giancinti (BHSc, DVM, PhD) answers common questions and reviews best practices around Avian Influenza Viruses (AIVs). The goal is to provide you with a technical overview and spark your interest in learning more.

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Ask an Expert:

Ask an Expert: "How can we work with northern communities to strengthen access to animal health care?" with Dr. Trace MacKay

Holding over 21 years of veterinary experience, Dr. MacKay has volunteered her time with VWB since the formation of VWB Canada in the early 2000s.

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VETS Volunteer Voices: Building Capacity for a Better Tomorrow

VETS Volunteer Voices: Building Capacity for a Better Tomorrow

#VETSVolunteerVoices aims to bring you the stories of our passionate VETS program volunteers from the field. This blog (part 3 of 3) was contributed by Izabela Wlodarczyk, a Communications Volunteer with our VETS program in Laos (Feb-June 2024).

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  • My voluntary assignments in Ghana for the past three years have dramatically improved animal production in terms of reducing mortality and increasing the size of the herd/flock.
    - Joseph Ansong-Danquah

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