Special Message From Our Executive Director | VWB Media Release
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Special Message From Our Executive Director

Media Release | Veterinarians Without Borders

Over the last twelve months, you have had an indelible impact on the lives of thousands of people, families and their beloved animals by ensuring access to animal health services through a One Health approach.

VWB Postcard | Veterinarians Without Borders

Your Impact

  • In Africa, you helped us reach more than 80,000 people.
  • In Asia, you helped us train 7,000 trainers who, in turn, trained many thousands more.
  • In northern Canada, you helped provide over 340 animal health services in our remote clinics.
  • And you provided support to 420 Community Animal Health Workers with training and supplies to teach COVID-19 prevention, while these same workers still performed their usual duties administering vaccinations and treating sick and injured animals.

Those figures are not just numbers. They are actually about the health of individual animals and people, and the environments in which they live.

Your support is helping to improve the economic and social well-being of the poorest, most marginalized people, and supporting smallholder farmers - particularly women - to reduce poverty by improving family income and nutrition principally through improved production of livestock and crops.

As evidenced by the photo above of young Miss Hillary from the Canadian north, it really all comes down to the bonds we share, and how we care for each other.

Over these last many challenging months, I have been deeply moved and inspired by the resiliency of those living through this pandemic, in the middle of civil conflict, or with the upending effects of flooding and the ravages of climate change, and by those living remotely without access to even basic critical veterinary care for their animals.

So many of our beneficiaries have demonstrated a willingness to make life better for their animals and for their communities. We celebrate their every success and remain committed to providing transformative options to their everyday lives and survival.

I am so proud of the work of our passionate volunteers, the commitment of our community partners, and the dedication of our small and highly effective staff team.

Despite this unrelenting pandemic, Veterinarians without Borders is on the ground right now in some of the most at-risk places in the world. And we will continue to be there working with community partners to administer life-saving care, and providing the tools, resources, and training to accelerate our One Health vision as a sustainable way forward for their healthy future.

It is because of you that we can look toward 2022 knowing we have your generous support.

It is because of you that we have been able to, and will continue to, provide hope and an optimistic outlook, a brighter future, and change so many individual lives for the better.

Thank you for supporting the essential work of Veterinarians without Borders.
I look forward to sharing with you some exciting announcements about our new and expanding programs in the coming weeks.
Until then, I send you my most heartfelt wishes for a peaceful, gentle, and healthy entry into the new year.

Charmaine Brett, Executive Director

Meet Charmaine

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  • The most rewarding part of my placements was helping others and seeing the many lives that are impacted along the way.
    - Nikki Sheedy

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